Characterization Protocol Version 6.0 


Please refer to the attached document for a detailed description of the characterization protocol.




This protocol applies to the characterization of inbound and outbound materials conducted by EEQ or its representative. It describes the methods for identifying, sampling, and sorting residual materials in materials recovery facility (MRF).


Samples of incoming materials are taken from pre-identified loads from selective collection. Samples of inbound and outbound materials are taken throughout the year. Once the sample is constituted, the materials it comprises will be separated into different categories. Each category must be weighed independently. Photos of the load, the sample to be characterized, and the sorted categories are taken.


Characterizations will be carried out to confirm the achievement of the materials recovery facility’s performance criteria. The protocol aims to standardize existing approaches and establish a standard of best practices in the characterization of residual materials. The protocol details the following steps:


  • Develop the sampling plan
  • Take a sample of incoming material
  • Take a sample of outgoing material
  • Weigh a sample
  • Store a sample
  • Measure the moisture content of a sample
  • Characterize a sample of incoming and outgoing material
  • Compile information on the sampled material, sorted categories, and photos in an analysis report.

This document may be adjusted at any time by EEQ.